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Mission Statement
Our mission at TEMPLEWORK LA is to provide the magnificent and resilient human spirit with compassionate, skilled, and diverse bodywork and energy work, reintegrating the connection between “body and mind”. We as human beings are absolutely meant to have an illuminated and gratifying time while we are residing on this planet. To fulfill our life’s dreams and exist peacefully. We are passionate about supporting this process.
Templework LA Story
TEMPLEWORK LA is a business based solely on nurturing the human body with therapeutic massage, bodywork, and energy work. Period! The intention behind creating this “healing space” was very clear. Anna Marie wanted to provide an environment that was genuine, connected and comfortable. Skilled therapists with a common interest in mind greet you, listen to what you need, and create a custom personal experience. That seems to be what’s often missing in the world these days. Businesses that remember their customers excel, and this is one of those places. No doubt about it.
TEMPLEWORK LA was in the “minds-eye” of Anna Marie Wood since her completion of massage training at IPSB in 2008. IPSB is one of the leading bodywork schools in the country with a reputation of skilled training in all forms of bodywork. There’s training, there’s clients and there’s more training…because if you want to know anything about the “bodywork business”… it is an ongoing process of study and understanding of the human body, the spirit behind veil, the muscles, the tissues, the bones, the nervous system, the energetic spirit, and how it all works together.
In 2012, she unfortunately suffered a neck injury. After X-rays, physical therapy, doctor visits, nothing was working. The turning point was two Integrated Craniosacral Unwinding sessions. That is ENERGY WORK, for those of you that are uncertain. THIS is what healed the trauma that was within her system. This was the icing on the cake of her bodywork career. Her certification for Integrated Craniosacral Unwinding was received at The Life Energy Institute as was her Polarity Therapy training. Life changing work.
Energy work assists the delicate nervous system in balancing. A shift happened in her body as well as her business. How cool, right?
TEMPLEWORK LA’s boutique massage studio is located in the heart of Atwater Village in Los Angeles, CA. This is a unique space where, without question, you will receive a customized experience. A memorable one….and that was the point of it all.
We are living in a very fast paced world and with the invention of so much technology, much of our connections, are, well, disconnected…with ourselves and with other human beings. This place is an exception. Attending to customers personally in a space that is unique and magically welcoming.
TEMPLEWORK LA is a healing place with the goal of connecting people to themselves and others…one bodywork session at a time!
Templework LA in the Media
November 2019
“Life of Negotiation” by Anna Marie Wood